Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Weekly Fitness Routine

go do something that makes you sweat
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finding a workout schedule that works for you is 3/4 of the battle of getting and staying in shape. especially in a world where your day to day activities vary, the lack of consistency can make it difficult to stay committed to your workout goals.

to help, i thought i would share what i have found to work for me. it is not much, but paired with a healthy diet and a little dedication i have stayed one happy & healthy girl. 

my advice to you would be to set aside at least 30 minutes a day to focus on yourself and fitness. you will be surprised how well the two mesh. whether it be a run to starbucks and back or a circuit of leg busting exercises in your apartment, that 30-minutes os sweating will keep you sane through the week. just knowing you are doing something to help your body not only clears your mind but boosts your confidence as well and with the added rush of endorphins, you will be glowing inside and out!

my week in workouts

monday: 20 minute run, arms & abs

tuesday: 20 minute run, legs & abs

wednesday: leg circuit, arms, abs & stretching

thursday: 20 minute run, arms & abs

friday: 20 minute run, legs & abs

weekend: outdoor activity, i try to either go on a hike or do yoga at the beach. 

fit tips and tricks:

  • always warm up with some stretching or walking. you don't want to sprain any muscles!
  • when running, interval training is the best way to lose weight fast. especially because i can only take 20 minutes on the treadmill, i run at higher speeds, alternating often. 
  • in order to see long term results, slowly increase the intensity of your workouts over time. you should feel yourself getting stronger so do not be afraid to pick up the 7 lb. dumbbells instead of the 5 pounders or push yourself a little harder on the treadmill a few times a week. 
  • stay hydrated! especially during the summer, it gets HOT. try drinking water with lemon and ice to change it up. 
  • workout with a friend, getting off your bed is the hardest part, so if you have someone holding you accountable there should be no excuse. plus, it will just be more fun. 
  • change it up and workout outside. take advantage of the resources around you and check out your local running clubs and donation-based yoga programs. it is also a great way to make new friends. 

when you're looking for some motivation (or just become a health-nut):

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